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保安評估 Security Assessment

家居保安成本考慮 Cost of home security
保安系統與保險費用 Security systems and your insurance premium
遠行前的家居保安貼士 Security tips before traveling


家居保安成本考慮Cost of home security


The cost of a security system should be thought of as a property value added item or investment. An appropriate security systems help provide safety for you, your family, and your properties. Investing in a security system provides you with the comfort of knowing that your home or property is protected from burglary. It is similar to paying the household insurance premium to protect you in the event of a fire.
The cost of security systems will greatly vary from company to company. Before you buy a system, check on the reputation of the manufacturer, ask other user’s reference and comment, and get a written estimate from the security system provider of the installation costs.
Also, consider talking with your insurance agent before installing a security system. He or she can tell you if a discount on your homeowners' insurance premiums will be applied once a system is installed.

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保安系統與保險費用Security systems and your insurance premium


As we said, the best way to qualify for low insurance rates is to guard against accidents, thefts, and losses. A few precautions you can take to make your home safer are to install deadbolt locks on doors and key locks on windows. If your home or apartment is at street level, you can add grates or grilles to protect windows. You can also install a security system or a burglar alarm that attaches to windows and doors. The security system should notify the police department or security company of a possible break-in.
When purchasing a security system, it is important to notify your home insurance agent. Most insurance companies will deduct around ten to fifteen percent off your annual home insurance premium after security system installation. If your insurance agent requires it, the security company will send a certificate verifying system installation.

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遠行前家居保安貼士 Security tips before traveling


  1. 購買一般家用電燈時間掣及光暗開關掣,並接駁燈飾或其它燈光裝置,啟動燈飾定時開關。
  2. 將電話響聲調校至最低,以免賊人從聲音中分辨出屋內是否有人。
  3. 指示停止派發信件、報紙及定期刊物,或由鄰居代為收取。
  4. 向您信任的鄰居提供您的聯絡電話。
  5. 利用時間掣開關收音機。
  6. 安裝雙開門鎖,將大門內外鎖上。


Since your home and possessions may be your most valuable assets, there are several things you can do to protect your home when leaving for extended periods of time. Here are six suggestions to help secure your home while you are away.

  1. Purchase an inexpensive light timer and brightness controller which plugs into lamps or other light fixtures.This device automatically turns lights off and on at specific times.
  2. Turn your telephone ringers to their lowest possible setting.
  3. Have your postal and newspaper delivery stopped or picking up by your neighbor.
  4. Give a trusted neighbor a phone number where you can be reached.
  5. Turn on a radio by using a timer.
  6. Install dead bolt locks.

These are only some tips. If your home is not already protected by a security system, you may want to consider installing one for both protection and peace of mind. According to the Hong Kong Police Crime Prevention Bureau, case studies indicate that most burglars are scared off by the presence of an alarm system, and police studies show that electronically secured homes are five to six times less likely to be burglarized than unprotected homes. For additional information on securing your home while you are away, please consult our security expert.

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